Jan 212018

There were many amazing artistic creations from Hatsune Miku fans all over the world to celebrate her 10th anniversary. But due to the vastness of the world and content, some things might get overlooked that are definitely worthy of more attention.

One such creation is an animated music video for a Vocaloid Rock styled song titled Plot: 0, which appeared on the Chinese video site Bilibili in September 2017. The MV was a collaboration between 6 artists, and features stunning and smooth animation work that compliments the song beautifully, with many references to well-known Hatsune Miku songs and characters from the past.

However, even in its homeland of China, the music video only gathered 94,000 views before I tweeted about it, with the resulting reaction making it clear that many people never knew this music video existed. The great news is that it does exist, and you can watch it below!

-= Credits =-
Music: Digger, 玖玲P, Irecorder, katsu, ToufuP
Animation: Chinanokusa

Requires Flash on PC. Cick here if using Mobile, or if player doesn’t appear: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av14315151/