Apr 302018

During a recent talk session at this weekend’s Nico Nico Chokaigi event, Crypton Future Media’s CEO Hiroyuki Itoh made an appearance to talk a bit about their company and their projects. One of the topics covered was the Hatsune Miku Expo adventures around the world, but some fans couldn’t help but notice something…

The map has a very visible dot right on top of France. However, there hasn’t been a Miku Expo event anywhere in Europe yet. This seems like it might be an accidental hint at a Miku Expo taking place in France later, but some speculate it might have something to do with the earlier Japonismes performance announcements.

Historically, every single Miku Expo event has been its own independent celebration, and not held in co-operation with other events or exhibitions. Furthermore, the Japonismes website shows a listing for a future “Hatsune Miku Concert” event at La Seine Musicale. All events are listed in order by date with the “Hatsune Miku Concert” event being positioned at the bottom, below events listed for early 2019.

Does this mean we can possibly expect some kind of Miku Expo event in France in 2019? Interesting bit of information…