Left picture via doramata on Pixiv
We’d like to share news of a new Hatsune Miku MikuMikuDance model released today by Dotto, a 3D modeling artist known for his previous work on the beautiful Bless You styled Hatsune Miku model.
【MMD】どっと式初音ミクV3ver1.10【モデル配布】を投稿しました #nicoseiga #im8145682 https://t.co/uYM55c1mug pic.twitter.com/oKFkIJvBvH
— どっと (@d00000000t) May 19, 2018
This well-made model is styled after Hatsune Miku’s iconic V3 design, and is available for download beginning today! Just be sure to follow the model’s included usage guidelines if you intend to use it in a video production.
Model Download: http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im8145682