The Hatsune Miku 10th Anniversary Computer Glasses Set is being produced and released by Washin Co., Ltd. (Tokyo). Created in celebration of Hatsune Miku’s 10th anniversary, the set includes a special version of the Hatsune Miku V4X Computer Glasses featuring the 10th anniversary logo in addition to computer glasses based on Kagamine Rin & Len, Megurine Luka, MEIKO, and KAITO for a total of five computer glasses. Also included in this premium collector’s set are glasses cloths based on each of the characters and a special carrying case. The set is priced at $1050.99 and is limited to only 39 in the world.
[Set Contents]
● 5 computer glasses (Hatsune Miku HM-V4X 10th Anniversary Edition, Rin & Len, Luka, MEIKO, and KAITO)
● Computer glasses storage case
● 5 character glasses cloths
● 1 large 10th anniversary cloth
● Carrying case
[Computer Glasses]
Materials: acetate (frames), plastic (lenses – CR39 blue light-cutting lenses)
Dimensions (lens diameter/bridge width/temple length):
– Miku: 54/17/137
– Luka: 51/17/140
– Rin/Len: 50/18/138
– KAITO: 55/17/140
– MEIKO: 51/17/139
[Glasses Cloths]
Character cloths: 150 x 150 mm | 5.9” x 5.9”
Large cloth: 440 x 220 mm | 17.3” x 8.7”
[Glasses Storage Case]
Material: Polyurethane (synthetic leather)
External: 48 x 175 x 254 mm | 1.9” x 6.9” x 10”
Internal: 34 x 164 x 240 mm | 1.3” x 6.5” x 9.4”
[Carrying Case]
Custom Armor case
Dimensions: 440 x 271 x 117 mm | 17.3” x 10.7” x 4.6”
Weight (approx.): 3.7 kg | 8.2 lbs
Features removable inner sponge
Release Date: Aug. 21, 2017 @ 12 noon (JST)
Product Page: (Opens August 21st)
Sales Regions: Worldwide (excluding Japan)
Price: $1050.99
Delivery Month: October 2017