Jul 242019

From the recent Goodsmile Racing’s live stream comes a Racing Miku visual for the 2019 SUZUKA 10 HOURS race, to which the team will be participating in next month. Drawn by the artist Annin Oiko with direction by Shigeto Koyama, she wears a beautiful pink haregi surrounded in cherry blossoms.

The machine featuring the design is expected at the upcoming 2019 SUZUKA 10 HOURS race, which will be hled at Suzuka circuit on August 23rd~25th. She’s the also second Racing Miku Haregi ver. design to date since Tony Taka’s in 2017-2018. Fight, GSR!

2019 SUZUKA 10 HOURS: https://www.suzukacircuit.jp/10h_en/
Goodsmile Racing team: https://www.goodsmileracing.com/en/team2019_suzuka/

May 202018

Goodsmile Racing finishes at 8th place in Super GT round 3 this weekend at the Suzuka circuit. The team started off at 3rd place in the beginning of the race, and rose to the 2nd before the last few laps. It was all in that very few instances that we were overtaken, and everything happened in a flash. Despite the result, the team says it turns out to be a very interesting race for the team.

The next round will take place abroad in Thailand at Chang International Circuit on June 31st~July 1st. Below is the Round 3 cheer illustration by Kanzaki Hiro, the official Racing Miku 2018 illustrator. Fight, GSR!