May 062018

Time to go over the top 10 Hatsune Miku songs uploaded to Nicovideo during the month of April 2018! As always, we’ll be looking at the songs by how many views they received on a daily average, rather than total views, since each song is uploaded at a different time of the month! We also choose Nicovideo as the platform, since the songs are always featured on Nicovideo, but not always featured on YouTube.

Did you find any new favorites from this list, or have a favorite that didn’t quite make the cut? Tell us in the comments below!

#1: 前前前世 (Synth Rock Cover) feat. Hatsune Miku by Omoi

Cover of a popular song from the movie “Your Name”.
Uploaded Apr 21st – 135,490 total – 22,581 daily

#2: Outsider feat. Hatsune Miku by Eve

Uploaded Apr 5th – 505,663 total – 20,227 daily

#3: A Survey from God feat. Hatsune Miku & Kagamine Rin by Rerulili

Self cover of an earlier song featuring Miku and Gumi
Uploaded Apr 23rd – 53,661 total – 6,708 daily

#4: Starry Sky feat. Hatsune Miku by ChouchouP

Uploaded Apr 17th – 75,366 total – 5,384 daily

#5: Yozurina feat. Hatsune Miku by PinocchioP

Uploaded Apr 2nd – 147,571 total – 5,088 daily

#6: 自由に捕らわれる。 feat. Hatsune Miku by Kanzaki Iori

Uploaded Apr 6th – 55,985 total – 2,240 daily

#7: Humorous Noises feat. Hatsune Miku by Shitoo

Self cover of an earlier song featuring Saine Yume
Uploaded Apr 10th – 44,870 total – 2,137 daily

#8: Worldwide Festival feat. Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin & Megurine Luka by HachiojiP

Uploaded Apr 15th – 33,041 total – 2,066 daily

#9: Azalea City feat. Hatsune Miku by 輝星

Uploaded Apr 27th – 7,824 total – 1,956 daily

#10: April feat. Hatsune Miku by mao sasagawa

Uploaded Apr 21st – 19,336 total – 1,933 daily