Sep 212017

In celebration of Hatsune Miku 10th anniversary, a particular group of fans in China by the name “VocaloPlanet” will be releasing a special album on September 30th titled “Miracle Annual” featuring 11 songs written for the special occasion and illustrations from 25 illustrators. Preorders for the album are currently open on Taobao at 55 yuan (8.34 USD), along with other various goods available. Check out the album crossfade in the Bilibili link below!


01. 八月雨后,初晴与彩虹  / yk!
02. 勇気 / TUNO桐音
03. マジカルナンバー (魔法数字) / 味素
04. Sunny Sky Signals (晴空信号) / ANK
05. 夏に落ちるサンデー (坠入夏天的星期日) / Kolaa
06. Dreaming Girl / 板烧鹅尼子&nano
07. 君のいる所へ (有你的地方) / Utae
08. 花火 / Irish Kappa
09. EMP 电磁脉冲 / siren
10. Secret Love / 敌门
11. love in last sight (最后一瞥之恋) / reguluz

Illustrators: gocoli, CT, Captain, 疯狐, AIKO, 抹茶, 和茶, Iritoa, 罪音咩咩, Hanasa 花洒, -匙-, Itsia, 葬雪荒城, ajimita, Aimota, PSD, Sour暄, 千夜QYS3, あさひ@クロイ, 禾书 Zlin, 色毁, 二次元绝缘体, ivk, 四迹, and Radla.

  • Clear File: 15 yuan (2.27 USD)
  • Acrylic Stand: 15 yuan (2.27 USD)
  • Double Sided Metal Pendant: 25 yuan (3.79 USD)
  • CD (11 songs): 55 yuan (8.34 USD)
  • Artbook (50 pages): 65 yuan (9.86 USD)
  • Set A: CD, Artbook, Clear File: 100 yuan (15.16  USD)
  • Set B: CD, Artbook, Clear File, 6 postcards, double-sided metal pendant, acrylic stand, poster, paper bag: 150 yuan (22.74)

Official site →
Track previews →
Gallery →

Bilibili (album crossfade) →
Taobao →

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About Mercuryw
A Hatsune Miku fan from Thailand since 2009, Mercuryw joined as the co-writer since mid-2014. You can find Mercuryw on Twitter at @Mercuryw_.