I would like to apologize for this being shared late on the site, despite being shared earlier on MikuFan’s other social media outlets. It was uploaded while most MikuFan staff was at Anime Expo, and I forgot to publish an article. Thank you for your understanding.
Having any sort of official Hatsune Miku concert event far outside of Japan is not easy, and such events like Mikunopolis in Los Angeles in 2011 required the sponsorship support of Toyota to make it happen. So with the news of Crypton hosting an entire expo dedicated to Miku on top of a concert, you can imagine a lot of work is involved in the process.
Thanks to this documentary video from the official Hatsune Miku YouTube channel, we get an in depth look at what it took to make such an event possible. With Miku Expo in Los Angeles and New York scheduled for this October, and a 4th unannounced location, this is a great look into what fans can expect to see when attending these events.
The MikuBook FindMe campaign is also still open for choosing the 4th Miku Expo location, so cast your vote if you haven’t already!