Jan 192019
Overseas ticket sales for Hatsune Miku Expo 2019 in Taiwan are now open! You can grab them from the following page. Please note the website is in Chinese-only, but tickets ARE purchasable from overseas.
Ticket page: https://ticket.com.tw/application/UTK02/UTK0201_.aspx?PRODUCT_ID=N01HDKMV
Taiwan’s Miku Expo event is scheduled to take place at New Taipei City Exhibition Hall on May 11th at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM. Accomodation plan applications are open until January 25th @ 5:00 PM JST. Check those out here: http://entame.knt.co.jp/tour/2019/05/mikuexpo/en/index.html
Miku Expo 2019 HK & TW Official Site: https://mikuexpo.com/twhk2019/