Mar 302018

The “Hey MIKU!” Alexa app released to the Amazon Alexa store in Japan last November has been upgraded to improve its overall interaction and functionality. She’s also now able to sing!

The update coincides Amazon Echo’s March 30th general launch in Japan. Am,azon Echo smart speaker hardware, and thus, the Hey MIKU! app, had limited access to users in Japan until this release. Hopefully they will have worked out some of her quirks with this update. Note that using this app requires a Japanese Amazon account.

Check out the announcement video below!

Nov 082017

I love it when my two favorite things, Hatsune Miku and Technology, are brought together. The latest news release from Crypton Future Media reveals that the voice of Hatsune Miku, their most popular Vocaloid software, will be coming to the Amazon Alexa digital assistant in Japan to coincide with the launch of the Amazon Echo smart speaker in the country later this year. Soon, interacting with Alexa/Miku will be a reality with “Hey MIKU!” commands, and more.

Having the popular virtual idol as the voice of your home’s digital assistant is definitely an exciting prospect for many Hatsune Miku fans, but this feature will be limited to use with Amazon Japan accounts with Prime membership, and will only be available in the Japanese language. The feature is an “Alexa Skill” (essentially an app) via the Amazon Skills download page when it becomes available.

The Amazon Echo’s Japan launch date isn’t officially announced yet, although they’re accepting applications for invites to be an early adopter. While we’ve seen concepts of Hatsune Miku as a home assistant before, we’re excited to see the idea finally come to mass-market. Here’s to hoping it gets a Westward release!

Via Crypton Future Media