Oct 292015

The official Snow Miku 2016 website has updated, revealing the new official site artwork, featuring the artwork by Mame no Moto (based on design art by otogi kotatu)! The illustration beautifully captures the excitement of Winter sports, the theme of next year’s Snow Miku festival, which is a customary part of Hokkaido’s yearly Snow Festival celebrations.

Official Snow Miku 2016 Illustration by Mame no Moto

Official Snow Miku 2016 Illustration by Mame no Moto

The update also brings new information about the locations for the Snow Miku exhibitions, as well as their available activities. Below is a map and event details.


【A】Sapporo Snow Festival – Odori Site Nishi 11 Chome
Period : February 5th (Fri.) – 11th (Thu./national holiday), 2016
Place : Odori Site Nishi 11 Chome, Sapporo Snow Festival
Address : Odori Nishi 11-Chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
– SNOW MIKU Snow Sculpture
– Goods stalls
– etc

【B】Sapporo Factory
Period : February 6th (Sat.) and 7th (Sun.), 2016
Place : Sapporo Factory
Address : Kita 2-Jo Higashi 4-Chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
– Exhibitions, on-stage events, workshops
– Goods stalls,
– Companies’ exhibition booths
– etc.

【C】Sound Lab mole
Period : February 6th (Sat.) and 7th (Sun.), 2016
Place : Sound Lab mole
Address : ikoh Bldg B1, Nishi 2-chome, Minami 3-jo, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-shi
– DJ live
*There will not be any virtual singer performances at the DJ live

【D】Sapporo Streetcar
Period : November 22th (Sun.), 2015 – March 27th (Sun.), 2016
時間 : NOW MIKU streetcar generally runs between 7am and 6pm.
– SNOW MIKU Streetcar

Additional event info and accommodation packages should be announced on a nearby date.

The 2016 Sapporo Snow festival will run from February 5th to February 11th. It has been decided that staff of MikuFan will be visiting the Snow Miku 2016 festival, and we look forward to seeing the many exciting events it has to offer!