Feb 162019

The Snow Miku 10th anniversary live performance “SNOW MIKU LIVE! 2019” has long concluded, and the setlist is finally available online! Held over February 9th~10th, the special performance features not only all the Snow Miku theme songs with the modules for each year, but also the very first appearance of Yukine.

Some performances were seen with a real-time 3DCG control system “R3” developed by Crypton Future Media enabling a new level of interaction with the audience. Check out the setlist below!

01. Teo by Omoi ft. Hatsune Miku
02. Love Song by LamazeP ft. Hatsune Miku
03. Rolling Girl by wowaka ft. Hatsune Miku
04. This Is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee by UtataP ft. Hatsune Miku
05. Stella by KotsubanP ft. Hatsune Miku
06-DAY1. Meltdown by iroha ft. Kagamine Rin
06-DAY2. Sweet Magic by Junky ft. Kagamine Rin
07-DAY1. Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder by NoriP ft. Kagamine Len
07-DAY2. Fire◎Flower by halyosy ft. Kagamine Len
08. BRING IT ON by GigaP ft. Kagamine Rin & Len
09. Piano×Forte×Scandal by OSTER project ft. MEIKO
10-DAY1. Pane dhiria by ShinjouP ft. KAITO
10-DAY2. Snowman by halyosy ft. KAITO
11-DAY1. Packaged by kz ft. Hatsune Miku
11-DAY2. Yellow by kz ft. Hatsune Miku
12. Unknown Mother Goose by wowaka ft. Hatsune Miku
13. Masquerading Ganger by KulfiQ feat. Hatsune Miku & Kagamine Rin
14. Birthday by ryuryu ft. Hatsune Miku
15-DAY1. No Logic by JimmyThumbP ft. Megurine Luka
15-DAY2. Hello, Worker by KEI ft. Megurine Luka
16. Leia by Yuyoyuppe ft. Megurine Luka
17. Even If It’s Your Happiness by HeavenzP ft. Megurine Luka
18. Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! by daniwellP ft. Hatsune Miku <Band member introduction>
19. Satisfaction by kz ft. Hatsune Miku
20-DAY1. ODDS&ENDS by ryo ft. Hatsune Miku
20-DAY2. World is Mine by ryo ft. Hatsune Miku
21. Love! Snow! Really Magic by Mitchie M ft. Hatsune Miku <Snow Miku 2014 Theme Song>
22. Snow Fairy Story by 40mP ft. Hatsune Miku <Snow Miku 2015 Theme Song>
23. Round off the Square Earth by NishizawasanP ft. Hatsune Miku <Snow Miku 2018 Theme Song>

24. Before the Snow Melts by doriko ft. Hatsune Miku <Snow Miku 2016 Theme Song>
25. Star Night Snow by n-buna and Orangestar ft. Hatsune Miku <Snow Miku 2017 Theme Song>
26. Ai by DECO*27 ft. Hatsune Miku <Snow Miku 2019 Theme Song>

After Report Gallery → https://snowmiku.com/2019/special_afterreport.html

Aug 182017

Following up on the previous announcements, the Hatsune Miku x NewDays collaboration has its 30-seconds CM released along with a teaser of the theme song “Digitable” by Junky. The collaboration will begin from August 22nd until September 4th, and includes many goods as well as store wrappings which we’ve previously covered in the recent article.

Also announced today is the Hatsune Miku x NewDays collaboration special page! Check it out!
