Sep 122017

Starting today, VOLKS is exhibiting Hatsune Miku Dollfie Dream with a very special traditional Japanese outfit at an event at Kyoto Takashimaya, Japan. The exhibition, titled “ぼくらが日本を継いでいく-琳派・若冲・アニメ-” (no proper English translation available), or just “Rimpa” for short, is an event that pays homage to the “Rimpa” Japanese art style that was created in the 1700s.

Based on an illustration by artist KEI, the traditionally dressed Miku Dollfie will be on display at the venue until September 25th, and entry to the venue is free! There’s no word yet on if this outfit will be made available for order, but we’re sure many DD Miku owners would love it!

Official VOLKS blog post:

Jan 012016

Happy New Year, everyone! To celebrate the New Year, VOLKS has shared a gallery of the upcoming Snow Miku Dollfie Dream wearing a festive kimono, along with a fluffy winter cape to match. It really helps capture Snow Miku DD’s unique cute charm.

Snow Miku Dollfie Dream is due to start shipping out June 2016. You can view the full photo gallery from VOLKS’ Dollfie Dream blog:

Please note the kimono is not included with Snow Miku Dollfie Dream.