The City of Chiba, Japan, home of Magical Mirai 2017, has revealed their participation in the Hatsune Miku 10th anniversary festivities by announcing their plans to change their city website logo to Hatsune Miku on August 31st, and only for that day. The twitter of their city tourism promotion branch will also change their avatar to the new icon. We think the design (pictured above) is very clever!
Chiba City will also have their own booth at Magical Mirai (#27), where they will give out free can badges (pictured above) to people who follow Chiba City’s tourism SNS pages. Can badges are limited to first 3,000 visitors per day. Clear files are also available to the first 150 visitors each day if you show you’ve downloaded the “Chiba Play” app. QR codes and date/times for the gift giveaways are listed below!
Days & Times
- September 1st (Friday) From 12:00 PM ~ 6:00 PM
- September 2nd & 3rd (Sat & Sun) From 10:00 AM ~ 6:00 PM
Chiba City Homepage:
Via Chiba City Website