Jul 192018

With the end of the Hatsune Miku Expo 2018 concert in Mexico City, the United States and Mexico leg of the 2018 tour has come to a close! We’ve got the setlists for all locations for those curious, as well as some of the tweeted photos from the events!

We’d like to give our thanks to the Miku Expo staff, event promoters and CFM for making another year of exciting events possible! We’d also like to give thanks to all the producers, illustrators, cosplayers, creators and of course all the fans for making this event enjoyable! Continue reading »

May 082018

The official theme song for Hatsune Miku Expo 2018 in the United States and Mexico, “Decade” by Dixie Flatline, now has a promotional video available in 4K resolution at 360 degrees from the official Hatsune Miku YouTube channel. Time to break out your 3D headsets or Google Cardboard and jump in to enjoy the experience!

Note that the wording for theme song mentions “United States and Mexico”, but not Europe. This gives the implication that Europe can expect their own unique theme song at a later date. Only time will tell!

Dec 272017

Hatsune Miku Expo is back again in Summer of next year, and as grand as ever! The event will cover 6 venues across 4 states in the U.S, and one in Mexicio City. We will update the ticket information as it becomes available!

June 29th (Fri) Microsoft Theater, Los Angeles
Ticket sales start @ 5PM PST β†’ https://www.axs.com/artists/1104816/mikuexpo2018-tickets

July 1st (Sun) City National Civic, San Jose
Ticket sales start January 10th @ 5PM PST β†’ https://www1.ticketmaster.com/hatsune-miku-san-jose-california-07-01-2018/event/1C0054239F0321EC

July 6th (Fri) The Bomb Factory, Dallas
Ticket Sales start January 10th @ 7PM CST β†’ https://www.ticketfly.com/event/1597994-hatsune-miku-expo-2018-dallas/

July 8th (Sun) H.E.B. Center, Austin

Ticket sales start January 10th @ 7:00 PM CST β†’ https://www1.ticketmaster.com/hatsune-miku-cedar-park-texas-07-08-2018/event/3A005425DCF73EBAC

July 12th (Thu) Washington, D.C., The Anthem
Ticket sales start January 10th @ 10AM EST β†’ https://www.ticketfly.com/event/1624560-hatsune-miku-expo-2018-washington/

July 14th (Sat) New York City, Hammerstein Ballroom
Presales start January 9th @ 10AM EST, Normal sales start January 10th @ 8:00 PM EST β†’γ€€https://www1.ticketmaster.com/hatsune-miku-new-york-new-york-07-14-2018/event/00005425E5A25ED1

July 19th (Thu) Pepsi Center WTC, Mexico City
Ticket sales start January 10th @ 7PM β†’ http://www.ticketmaster.com.mx/hatsune-miku-mexico-distrito-federal-19-07-2018/event/1400542997203B41

Lastly, there is a Miku Expo 2018 song contest, where the grand prize winner will have their song performed at the live events, among other rewards! There’s also two runner-up prizes available. A free trial of Hatsune Miku V4 English and Japanese are available for download to get you started, if you don’t yet own her software! The contest runs until January 31st, 2018. More details on the official contest site β†’ http://mikuexpo.com/usamx2018/contest

Dec 192017

There isn’t really much that can be said outside the article title! Plans of Miku Expo events in 2018 for the U.S. and Mexico have been teased on the official Hatsune Miku social media outlets, telling us to stay tuned. So stay tuned we shall!


May 212017

If you’re living in or near Mexico City and feel up to giving a little exploration of the cultures of other countries, the now-running FICA event (Friend Cultures International Fair in English) at the Zocalo is where Hatsune Miku fans can find an interesting bit of Japan pop culture. If you stop by booth #45 representing Japan, you’ll be able to find a miniaturized projection box on display, featuring Hatsune Miku performing various songs.

The music and videos on display have been provided by various Japanese and Mexican producers, and selection will be changed several times throughout the event. The display comes courtesy by collaboration between the Japanese Embassy and Anime Latam to promote aspects of Japanese pop culture, with Hatsune Miku of course being one of the highlight icons. And although it’s been in operation for only 1 day so far, the display has gathered quite a bit of attention.

About FICA

FICA is a non profit cultural fair event that takes place in the heart of downtown Mexico City at the Zocalo. At the event, all countries which have any diplomatic relationship with Mexico are invited to participate. FICA will be open to the public until June 4th, and runs daily between the hours of 11:00 AM~8:00 PM. Stop by if you have the chance!