Oct 292020

There’s a couple news bits to cover from earlier this week, which cover the topics of Hatsune Miku NT and Miku Expo 2021, so let’s get to it!

While Crypton Future Media has yet to officially post the release date of Hatsune Miku NT in an announcement, it seems the official product page has already been updated with a release date: November 27th, 2020!

Hatsune Miku NT Product Page → https://sonicwire.com/product/virtualsinger/special/mikunt

The prototype/beta version of the software is already available for those that have preordered it, so you can enjoy a sneak peek of the new features before release.

Finally, a new song contest for Hatsune Miku Expo 2021 Online has been announced! The song chosen as the grand prize winner will be performed at Miku Expo 2021 Online when the crowdfunding goal is reached (more news on the crowdfunding campaign is expected soon). Two runner-up winners will also be selected. The contest deadline is November 30th at 11:00 AM JST.

The grand prize winner of the contest will not only have their song played during the online event, it will also be a featured downloadable song during the crowdfunding campaign. The winner will also receive 100,000 JPY Sonicwire voucher, and an assortment of Hatsune Miku and Piapro Character goods.

Runner-ups will also have their songs featured as downloadable content in the fundraiser, receive 30,000 JPY of Sonicwire credit, and Hatsune Miku and Piapro Character merch.

For the complete contest guidelines and rules, please check the official contest page! → https://mikuexpo.com/online2021/contest_en.html