After a successful collaboration with the Hirosaki Sakura Festival as its newest support character, this time Sakura Miku will be joining in the Summer celebrations for the Hirosaki Neputa Festival!
From August 1st until August 7th, Sakura Miku will be supporting the Hirosaki Neputa Festival with event posters, stickers, and stamp rally activities! To celebrate the colllaboration, two main visual artworks have been drawn by iXima and Kiya (above). These artworks will be visible on posters throughout the event.
Additional artworks by Najo and Nekosumi have also been drawn for the upcoming event. We expect the art by Najo to be used for stickers or stamps, while the art by Nekosumi joins Sakura Miku with the Hirosaki mascot character Takamaru-kun! This could be a sign of a lasting relationship between Sakura Miku and the city of Hirosaki.
What is the Hirosaki Neputa Festival?
The Hirosaki Neputa Festival is a summer festival held in the old castle town of Hirosaki. About 80 neputas of various sizes – large fan-shaped floats depicting epic and fantastic images of warriors – parade through the town. In 1980, Hirosaki Neputa Festival was designated as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties of Japan.
More on Hirosaki Neputa Festival:
Via @cfm_miku