Aug 202015

In celebration of the near Hatsune Miku’s 8th anniversary, Tower Records has announced today a collaboration with Hatsune Miku, featuring collaboration menus at Tower Records cafes, a special exhibition, and goods on sale in several occasions.

There will be two Tower Records cafes under the collaboration providing exclusive Vocaloid dishes on menus starting on September 1st~13th. One is located in Shibuya while the other is located in Omotesando.


Illustration by オサム

A Hatsune Miku exhibition “NO MIKU NO LIFE” will take place on September 1st~13th at Tower Records Shibuya 8F “SpaceHACHIKAI”, and exhibit illustrations from various artists, video screenings, photos with Miku area, and collaboration goods sale.

The associated stores, including Tower Records, TOWERmini, TOWERanime, and more, will have the collaboration posters and cut-outs on display starting on September 12th~27th.


Illustration by 柚希きひろ

Lastly, the collaboration goods under the theme “NO MIKU NO LIFE” will come in various categories: mini-towel, tapestry, postcards, t-shirts, clear files, tote bag, plate, or even cork coasters.

The goods sale will be held at several events: Tower Records cafes in Shibuya and Omotesando, NO MIKU NO LIFE exhibition, Tower Records booth at Magical Mirai 2015, associated stores, and Tower Records online shop – international shipping is available.