Dec 212012

Kaito’s V3 image was revealed on January 1st 2013.

The official Kaito V3 product page is now available with the first official demo of his supposedly finished product. The song, tiled “黄金木の葉が舞う頃に”, makes use of the “Straight” voice bank, which is the voice that represents his “normal” vocal style. Also shown are 3 more voice banks titled Soft, Whisper, and English. Crypton will be uploading a new demo daily until Christmas, so check back regularly for a new demo.

The image of Kaito’s V3 artwork had remained a silhouette from early 2011 until January 1st, 2013. The image has now been revealed, and was drawn by iXima.

The release date is scheduled for February 2013, but there is still no exact date of the release.