Mar 012016
The MikuMikuDance modeler named REMmaple, known for his excellent Hatsune Miku V3 model based on official illustrations by iXima, has gone ahead and created his own teaser model based on iXima’s tentative Hatsune Miku V4Xβ illustration (which happens to make a nice wallpaper!).
The model is very beautifully made and stayed true to iXima’s design, but for these reasons, we wont be seeing the model get a public release. At least, not until we get a finalized Miku V4X design with proper clothes. REMmaple posted a few more teaser photos on his twitter, as well as a morph test video on YouTube featuring the song Saihate by Kobayashi Onyx. The mouth seems it could use a little more tweaking.