Jun 142021

Hatsune Miku is once again lending her aid for safety awareness in the Hokkaido prefecture of Japan! In response to an increase in deadly motorcycle accidents, the Hokkaido Prefectural Police Traffic Department has adopted Hatsune Miku in a motorcyclist safety awareness campaign.

Motorcycle riders and vehicle drivers alike are encouraged to avoid dangerous and unreasonable driving habits, and to avoid speeding through traffic for the safety of yourself and others.

The rather cute campaign artwork featuring Hatsune Miku as a motorcycle police officer was illustrated by Kyushii, and is likely be featured in advertisement spaces across the prefecture to raise safety awareness.

Ride safe out there!

Apr 172020

Looking for some creative fun to pass the time while staying home? FOR FANS BY FANS and Crypton Future Media have launched several “stay at come” campaigns and activities to keep those creative juices flowing! Check them out below.

FOR FANS BY FANS is launching a COZY AT HOME art challenge, where selected artists can win gift packages from Crypton Future Media, as well as commission on products sold with their art!

One grand prize winner will receive a DX Gift Package and commissions, and two runner-ups will receive a Gift Package and commissions. The deadline to enter is May 14th, 2020 at 11:59 PM PST.

Fan Forge Guidelines: https://www.forfansbyfans.com/feature/hatsune-miku-fan-forge-info
Submit Artwork: https://community.forfansbyfans.com/m/fan-forge/submission/Hatsune-Miku-Fan-Forge
View Entries: https://community.forfansbyfans.com/m/fan-forge/designs/Hatsune-Miku-Fan-Forge

Crypton Future Media is making their previously exclusive LET’S PAINT activity available online for a limited time! With this online paint tool, you can color your MY MIKU in any way you like, and even import photos and pictures as backgrounds! Don’t forget to share your Miku with the hashtag #StayHomeWithMYMIKU, so others can see your creations! Posts with the tag will also have a chance to be selected to appear in a short recap video. Further details on that can be found below!

Start creating your unique MY MIKU at https://paint.mikuexpo.com/

CFM has also launched a MIKU EXPO Stay Home Mini Song Contest, where creators can submit a song featuring any of the Piapro Characters (Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin & Len, Megurine Luka, MEIKO and KAITO). The song can also be in any language! The song must be an original work (not a previously published work) less than 120 seconds in length. A free trial of Hatsune Miku V4X is also available via Sonicwire.

Hatsune Miku V4X Download: https://sonicwire.com/product/A4080

The winning song will be featured in a short video along with pictures uploaded from the #StayHomeWithMYMIKU campaign! There can be one grand prize winner, and two runner up winners that will win an assortment of Hatsune Miku and Piapro Character goods.

The deadline to enter this contest is May 13th, 2020 at 12:00 AM JST. The rules and link to submit your work can be found on the tweets above, but please be sure to read the rules very thoroughly. Good luck!

Jun 172018

Campaign illustration by 渣音re (@ZY_Remix)

The Xiaomi company has started a new campaign on Bilibili, asking the Hatsune Miku fan community to show their support for… Something. But with Xiaomi well known for making smartphones, and having already produced a Miku edition smartphone in the past, it looks like they may be making another!

Campaign Page: https://www.bilibili.com/blackboard/activity-mixchuyin.html

The collaboration asks Miku fans to show their support by voting and sharing to reach the support point goals, and unlock new content and announcements. The campaign page has two buttons used to show your support, an orange “vote” button, and a red “share” button. Each person can “vote” 5 times a day, and share once per day on Weibo, QQ, or Baidu for 10x the support points. After supporting the campaign for 3 days in a row, your support points can be multiplied up to 20x.

The most recent goal of 750,000 “support points” unlocked the full version of “Zuimei Yinji” (The Most Beautiful Impression) featuring Hatsune Miku V4 Chinese, written and composed by Mineko and Irish Kappa! The video features a silhouette of artwork drawn by Mame no Moto. You can listen to this song below.

The campaign has just two more goals to be reached. As of the writing of this article, the campaign sits at 936,000 support points.

– 1,000,000 Support Points: New Theme Image Unlocked. (Will be unlocked automatically June 22nd if the campaign fails to reach 1 million by that date)
– 2,000,000 Support Points: Ultimate Secret Unlocked.

There’s also rewards for those that post comments on the campaign page with the hashtag ” #小米X初音未來#”, and their wish for the campaign (limited to residents in China, of course). Posts to the site have a post ID number. Posts with the hashtag that also end with the number “39” will win a 5,000mAh Xiaomi Mi powerbank. Posts ending with “3939” will win a Xiaomi Mi Band. Each winner can only win their prize once.

We’ll keep you updated as the camaign progresses!

Writer’s note: If I had to take a guess at which phone Xiaomi might use for the next Hatsune Miku edition smartphone, we’re suspecting the Xiaomi Mi 6X.