— Wキーから指が離れない (@ippupu_ava) October 14, 2017
信じられる?#自作erオフ会 pic.twitter.com/S0kE1lm9sM
We’ve seen Hatsune Miku PC case mods before, but these mods making Miku appear inside your computer case take it to a whole new level.
Using a transparent LCD panel in place of of the normal side panel, the modification makes it appear as if Miku is dancing inside the case itself. This particular creation comes from @nissyan_daze on Twitter, who used an InWin 707 case for the mod. It’s on display at “PC BUILDERS 2” in Osaka, a fan-created event/gathering.
Check out extra images and video below!
ワンズ飾られました! pic.twitter.com/kWggaOWIC5
— N's (@nissyan_daze) October 17, 2017
— アンチん (@andy69star) October 19, 2017
N'sさん @nissyan_daze が作り込んだMOD PCに、オフ会で初チューブ曲げにチャレンジした水冷初心者様とのコラボ作品!是非見て、楽しくお買い物してください!#自作erオフ会 pic.twitter.com/n3ROvqLk78
The first versions of this mod were originally made back in July 2017, and appeared at OlioSpec in Tokyo. Below is a video of the earlier revision.
Via twitter and akiba-pc