Jan 012016


So what exactly does SEGA have planned for the future of the Hatsune Miku: Project Diva franchise in 2016 and beyond? Aside from the release of Project Diva X and Project Diva Future Tone, it seems SEGA may also have a PC port in the pipeline for our some music games featuring our beloved music idol, Hatsune Miku.

The rumor leak from TSSZ and SEGAbits says that SEGA is committed to supporting PC gamers, and supposedly has plans to bring a number of high-quality ports of some of their best game franchises, such as Yakuza, Vanquish, Resonance of Fate, Virtua Fighter 5, and titles in the Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA franchise.

Licensing and porting issues aside, it’d be exciting for many gamers to see the Project Diva game series make an official debut on the PC platform. But don’t hold your breath, it’s all still an unconfirmed rumor for now. But if it holds true, great things await PC gaming Hatsune Miku fans in the future.

Jan 012016

Happy New Year, everyone! To celebrate the New Year, VOLKS has shared a gallery of the upcoming Snow Miku Dollfie Dream wearing a festive kimono, along with a fluffy winter cape to match. It really helps capture Snow Miku DD’s unique cute charm.

Snow Miku Dollfie Dream is due to start shipping out June 2016. You can view the full photo gallery from VOLKS’ Dollfie Dream blog: http://ameblo.jp/blog-dd/entry-12111485916.html

Please note the kimono is not included with Snow Miku Dollfie Dream.
