Apr 232019

Goods list for Hatsune Miku Expo 2019 Taiwan and Hong Kong is finally listed on the official website, showing off an array of goods including a full graphic t-shirt, a happi, a clear poster, a glowstick (can’t miss that one!), a glowstick film set, and much more! There are some Taiwan exclusives to be noted being the Taiwan Miku t-shirt, Taiwan Miku Notepad, and Taiwan Miku Poster.

Check them out below, or visit the goods page to review the whole list!

HATSUNE MIKU EXPO 2019 Taiwan: https://mikuexpo.com/twhk2019/goods.html

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About Mercuryw
A Hatsune Miku fan from Thailand since 2009, Mercuryw joined MikuFan.com as the co-writer since mid-2014. You can find Mercuryw on Twitter at @Mercuryw_.