This year was the year of Hatsune Miku’s 4th Magical Mirai event, but it was the first time I attended one in person. Yep, despite the “event of all Miku events” taking place every year since 2013, I had never been to one before. After kicking myself over it for the past 3 years, I finally had the opportunity to go to Magical Mirai 2016, and I couldn’t be happier.
Hatsune Miku: Magical Mirai can be considered the true “Miku Expo”, and features an exhibition and concert events over the course of several days. It embodies and showcases the Hatsune Miku culture in ways that can’t really be experienced anywhere else. It truly is the event for Hatsune Miku fans to see.
I took some photos during my visit, and hope you enjoy them! Photos, however, just can’t give the same feeling of actually being there. If you’ve even considered it, I say go for it! Next year is also Hatsune Miku’s 10th anniversary, so we can only imagine what they will have in store.
Day 1 Exhibition Line
Life-sized MM Miku statue!
Good Smile Company goods booth!
Figures and plushies at SEGA’s booth
VOLKS Dollfie Dream booth!
Gacha machines
I goth both Hatsune Miku pins in 2 tries!
The AG 03 MIKU Audio Mixer
The special peek hole on this wall had a surprise, no spoilers!
Glico’s booth
The GSR girls posing for the camera
Hatsune Miku themed crepes!
I got the chance to try the PS VR demo.
The Master Card and Visa Card booth
This booth had various Miku and GSR goods
Hachune Miku cosplayer!
Itasha #1
Itasha #2
Itasha #3
Itasha #4
Itasha #5
Itasha #6
Itasha #7
Itasha #8
Itasha #9
Itasha #10
Itasha #11
Itasha #12
Itasha #13
Itasha #14
The end of the first evening concert.
DD Mikus covering the afterparty tables
And even more DD Mikus.
The newly announced Snow Miku 2017 design.
Sakura Miku and MM Miku cosplayers posed together.
The Magical Mirai Miku nendoroid!
The Lion’s Dance ver. Nendoroid
MM Miku plushie!
Racing Miku 2016 Nendoroid
Racing Miku 2016 Figma
Racing Miku 2016 scale figure prototype
GSC’s Hatsune Miku nendoroid display!
The adorable iDoll Miku Nendoroid
Car Wrap #1
Car Wrap #2
GSR’s Mercedes GT3
SEGA’s Project Diva Booth
Motorized DD Miku
Official DD Miku carry bag
Deep Sea Girl outfit announced for DD Miku!
Sony MDR-100 Miku Headphones
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