In one of the most unexpected and surprise returns, Wowaka has appeared after 6 years with a new Hatsune Miku song titled “Unknown Mother-Goose“. Wowaka’s works are widely known among the Vocaloid community, and created songs such as “Rolling Girl“, “Unhappy Refrain“, “World’s End Dance Hall” and “Two-Faced Lovers“.
The song is planned for release in the Hatsune Miku 10th anniversary celebration album Re:Start, which ships August 30th! Previous album details →
> Re:Start (Regular Edition) from CDJapan
> Re:Start (Limited Edition) from CDJapan
> Re:Start (Regular Edition) from Amazon Japan
> Re:Start (Limited Edition) from Amazon Japan
Check out the song from the official Nicovideo and YouTube players below! With the return of Hachi, Kemu and now Wowaka, Hatsune Miku’s 10th anniversary is shaping to be an amazing and memorable one for Hatsune Miku fans, both new and old!