Photo via @takerinseijin
Rohto’s Digi-Eye eye drops are still fairing pretty well, and the company has recently released its prior announced “Right Eye Version” of the product, which features Hatsune Miku’s right eye, as opposed to the left of the original product. This one also released in two styles: The first using artwork illustrated by Yunkeru, and the second using the 3D Hatsune Miku model created by KSK (the very same model used in Mitchie M’s Burenai ai de).
So what is the point to releasing this version? A recent update to the Rohto Digi-Eye Live AR app now features a Snow Miku version of KSK’s model, in light of the upcoming Winter season. To enjoy the performance, you will need to update your Rohto Digi-Eye AR app, and obtain one of these new “right eye version” boxes (or perhaps a high quality photo of the box). As an amusing note, Digi-Eye managed to squeeze the number “39” into the barcode of the “right eye version” product packaging.
Below are tweets of KSK’s Snow Miku model, and the Snow Miku version of the Live AR app in action. To learn more about Rohto’s Digi-Eye, please refer to our past articles (Article 1, Article 2).
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こういう、少しカメラ動かしたら見えそうなあざとい構図は正直好きです #いいニーハイの日
— 🥦加速サトウ🍤 (@ksk_st) November 28, 2014
デジアイ右目パッケージはARライブが雪ミクさんになってたΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ— たけりん (@takerinseijin) November 29, 2014