May 172013


Just announced in the recent nicovideo livestream event was the winning 2014 Snow Miku design, as well as the winning pet design that will accompany her. The designs were chosen by fans by using a voting system on the live stream itself. Selection boxes appeared over each choice, and the votes (clicks) were tallied.

The winners of the event are the #8 finalist of the Snow Miku design contest, and the #7 finalist for the associated pet that will also be included with her design. The theme of next year’s design was “magic”, and required that all design entries of Miku included a wand.

Congratulations to both winners! Now comes the long wait before the designs are refined and finally processed for creating a Nendoroid. You can view larger and more detailed images of the winning designs from here (Miku) and here (pet).


May 172013


After the previous Winter and even Spring Family Mart promotional campaigns featuring Snow Miku and Sakura Miku, it seems that the fans just can’t get enough. With the demand for promotional goods still high, Family Mart will be launching another promotional campaign this summer, starting at a currently unspecified date.

The recent livestream event on nicovideo detailed many of the prizes that can be expected in the lottery of the upcoming promotion. Like the last time, each store will carry 100 tickets and 100 prizes. Tickets will cost 800 yen each. The majority of prizes will be the smaller rewards, such as the Graphigs and clear files. The much rarer prizes include the 2013 Family Mart version Nendoroids of Rin, Len and Miku.

The rarest prize of all is a Family Mart Swimsuit Miku Nendoroid, which will be rewarded to whoever buys the last (100th) ticket from each Family Mart store. So not only will this figure be rarer, but fans will have to camp near stores to be able to snatch it.

Better images and more detailed info will follow soon.

Images borrowed from 初音ミクみく.
